Thursday, November 16, 2017

Thursday, 31 August 2017: Brussels

Justin trimmed Gemma this morning.  That is always quite a chore and she looks so cute after.

When we went out to run errands, we stopped at a vegetable stand some neighbors set up in their front yard.  The produce is out and a small cash box is nearby and everyone os on the honor system.  We buy our eggs like this regularly from Tony and Mo.  Tony also owns the local saw mill, I don't know much about that, but I do know that these eggs are the best!  They are SO flavorful -- you can't tell me the nutritional value is the same from these yolks that are just golden and delicious.  They say that the fresher the eggs are the more difficult they are to peel when hard-cooked.  Every time make deviled eggs, I am reminded of just how fresh these eggs are!  

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