Saturday, December 4, 2021

Saturday, 9 October 2021: Brussels

Kris’ celebrated her birthday at their cottage with maybe 12 kids, 8 adults and an untold number of dogs, bunnies and birds.  Justin, Gemma and I joined but after the shed came down.  Dave and Eddie did the demo work in exchange for the metal for salvage and reuse.  We met Dave yesterday after Justin had contacted Blue Ox movers.  Two guys came over and helped get the garage sorted out and get things tucked away for winter.  That may have been the best $200 I spent in a long, long time.  Now that the shed is down, our backyard is decorated with sunfish.  



Leo is the potential buyer for the sunfish.  He’s been talking to Justin for a few weeks.  Justin wants to keep three.  Unfortunately, we found that several were waterlogged and Justin may not get the price he wanted.  Thankfully, they will still be gone.  

To say that we’d been busting it the last few days would be an understatement.  This has not been fun.  But this time next week we will be in Mexico.  Gemma will be a member of the pack and we’ll be on the beach.  

I wrote to Patricia to see about staying at Casa Carmita.  Her husband, Miguel, wrote back to let us know that Patricia had died of ovarian cancer.  This is tragic.  She’s left three young children as she wasn’t even 40 years old.  To add to this bleak picture, Patricia’s parents want their investment back.  Casa Carmita is for sale and the Garden Merida is permanent closed.  Miguel is starting over and this time without his partner.

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