Monday, December 6, 2021

Wednesday, 20 October 2021: CasaColibri

 Benvenidos Justin y Paula, welcome back to Celestun. And especially for you, we have no electricity this morning.  I think we’d turned on every fan in the house last night when we were ready for bed... we didn’t sleep well anyway.  We need air conditioning.  We need a generator.

We went to breakfast at Peter’s but he was closed.  Business is doing really well and he is closed now not only on Monday but also on Tuesday and Wednesday.  He was around though so we had a nice long visit.  Kari made us coffee; it was so nice to see them both.  Later, we did enjoy brunch at Nichte Ha.

We explored around town and ended up at Janet’s.  Several hours later and many, many beverages later, we staggered home.  Somewhere late afternoon Tim got home from his trip into Merida.  He joined right in with the daytime drinking.  Later, Justin beat him at darts!!!  Yes, Justin won.  Tim may never ask Justin to play again, but today, Justin won. 


We were in bed before 9pm.  We were both dog tired.  Biggest lesson learned today: buy a French press coffee pot so I can have coffee even if the electricity is out. 

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