Sunday, December 5, 2021

Saturday, 16 October 2021: Zar Hotel, Mérida

The first flight Aeromexico could get us on was 3pm.  We still needed to be at the airport by noon so that meant the 11am shuttle from the hotel.  That meant we did have time for coffee and breakfast without on offensive alarm clock.  Rechecking Gemma wasn’t easy.

When we landed in Merida, our dog was sitting near the luggage carousel.  No one every asked us a word about her.  I ran from rental car desk to custodian asking for scissors to cut the zip ties on her kennel.  One lady finally came to our aide and taught us a very valuable life skill — use a pen to simply twist again and again, and wa-la, the zip tie will break.  

We hadn't even seen our luggage in Mexico City since it was routed straight through to Merida.  Not a soul asked us if we had anything to declare.  Hmmm, just what was in that suitcase?

Taxi to Zar Hotel...lord, I need a drink!!! So, first things first, a trip to La Negrita Cantina. After we checked in to our hotel and relished for the moment that we were all where we needed to be, all luggage was present and accounted for and Gemma could celebrate that she was alive and freed from her kennel, we headed to hear some good music, Jesus and Elena were not there and the band was only so, so.  Both Justin and I had mojitos which were fabulous. Justin ordered the enchiladas mole.  I typically try mole once each year just to give it yet another chance.  Well, I guess I got it done early this season.  It still doesn’t work for me so I moved on to the cochinita pubil tacos.  Fantastic!  

But let’s go back to Justin’s mojito for a moment. He reverted to his college days — the fullest glass was his.  In a European style, others might join you at your table at LaNegrita, even in this day of COVID.  A local couple joined us and they too ordered mojitos.  The tables are quite small so the drinks are close together.  I was chatting with Justin and thankfully I saw him reach for and pick up the lady’s drink.  He replaced it, without drinking and, more importantly, without her noticing.  He later told me that when he was in college he figured the fullest drink was his.  I hope he was kidding.

I didn't take the picture soon enough -- the "before
 shot might have been tidier.

Gemma at the Hotel Zar in Merida after her flight.  

Her pink flamingo was a welcomed friend.  

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