Saturday, December 11, 2021

Friday, 29 October 2021: Hotel Zar

We totally took the day off.  I bought a travel coffee pot so we didn’t even need to leave our hotel room for coffee.  Justin did have to take Gemma for a little bit of a spin but he came upstairs and went right back to bed.  Lots of news to read this morning — not only about the Packers but also about Biden pushing his economic agenda and his trip to Europe.  

We found a “health food” store this afternoon and bought peppermint oil when we were on our walk about this afternoon.  Justin had done research about the oil repelling scorpions. I’m all about repelling scorpions so we will give that a try.  I also bought some polenta with which I can make cornbread.  Mexican meal is super fine and more suited to tortillas than good southern cornbread.  My friend Janet has divided a way to grind popcorn in her coffee grinder several times to make her own cornmeal.  Me?  I was happy to buy Bob’s Red Mill. 

A Brazilian dinner was in store this evening at Mr. Pampas just a few minutes walk from our hotel.  As expected servers walked around with various cuts on skewers to serve at each table.  We were so, so full when we left.  Did I fill up on the salad bar first?  Probably.  Next time I will do that differently.  

The Houston Astros are back in the World Series. How can that be?  Shouldn’t they be on probation for a few years?  Well, guess not.  And the series is tied up 1-1 against the Atlanta Braves.

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