Saturday, December 4, 2021

Sunday, 10 October 2021: Steel Wheel Saloon in Brussels

We went to Brussels early in the day to get some work done in the garage before the noon game.  We thought we'd watch the game at Rourer's, Brian and Tracy's bar in Brussels.  We drove by there and it was just too, too crowded.  We thought about going to Jordan and Kris' cottage but given that the imminent rain would force all the kids inside the tiny cottage, and it too would be too, too crowded.  PLan C: we went to another watering hole in Brussels, The Steel wheel Saloon.  While there, we enjoyed a great burger and fries -- excellent football fare.   Yesterday we watched Texas A&M duke it out with Alabama; today the Packers barely squeaked by the Bengals.  It was all about the kicker in both games. 

These specialists, Small from A&M and Crosby (Packers), are expected to do their job and are only remembered when they don't do it.  This weekend, both kickers found themselves on the biggest stage - the end of the game.  Miss the game-winning field goal, or the game-tying one, and your last name becomes mud. Make it, and you might have a rather brief 15 seconds of fame. A&M who is not ranked this season was tied with #1 ranked Alabama 38-38. From just 28 yards out, Seth Small secured a 41-38 victory.  The pro game was a bit more of a cliffhanger.  Mason Crosby, the “historically reliable” kicker missed three straight potential winning field-goal attempts before hitting a 49-yarder in overtime.  Ok, it was nightmarish!

On a much more mundane note, we got the shelves out of the garage in Brussels.  We truly are almost done in there.  The plan is to store the Suburban in there for the winter.  We won’t have any problem being totally out of there when we return from Mexico.

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