Thursday, December 23, 2021

Monday, 15 November 2021: Merida and home to Celestún

We left Green Bay a month ago today.  It sure doesn’t seem like it.  We were absolutely slamming for the week before we left.  Our trip was a rollercoaster with an emphasis on the down swoops.  We got back here to a safe and secure “home” with all our treasures intact all wit in dire need of a thorough cleaning.  Now, a month later, we’ve been able to relax, to breathe and to get back into our Mexico rhythm of life.  Precious few alarm clocks, workers in the house regularly, long walk on the beach with the dogs ...spectacular sunsets.  Ain’t life grand!

Biden signed a $10 million infrastructure bill.  This feet was months, wait years, in the making.  Neither Trump nor Obama were able to make it happen.

Inflation threatens to take away from Biden’s success and popularity. The corona virus continues to rage.  He can’t win. 

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