Thursday, December 23, 2021

Monday, 22 November 2021: Merida

Packer loss to the Vikings yesterday— so sad.  

We had brunch this morning at our new restaurant, Alma Lima.  They just opened a few months ago.  The have a homemade sour dough bread that makes for great Benedict’s and Croque Monsieur.  I wrapped around a Croque Madame while Justin dug into a Spanish skillet.  Parmesan cheesecake for dessert?  Yes, please.    There's a definite European take on many of the dishes.  They make their own pasta for dinner so I know we will come back.  


We left Gemma at home with Abraham this trip.  That was hard for me.  We often left the car running when we went inside...when it was our our car.  We don’t feel comfortable doing that with a rental and leaving her in the car, even with the windows down is not an option.  We bought her special food so now she just needs to get better.  

We always have a handful of errands when we go to Merida; grocery shopping must be last as we are heading home.  Thankfully, Justin is a load-master as we typically fill our car up to the brim.  This week, in addition to all the other treats and necessities, we bought two turkeys   One for us even though it looks like it will just be the two of us and one for Abraham for his family now or Christmas.

My husband, the news junky that he is, read an article to me this morning about the move of folks from California to Texas.  Why?  Weather, promises that the area is not quite so subject to effects of climate change.  Low taxes. Cheaper housing.  Racial diversity.  Political...there’s the obvious downside.

Texas is thriving and dynamic, and it is calling many.  Does Texas really feel like California and serve as the siren to call so many?  I want Texas to be “home” again.  No, I’m not ready to move to Georgetown, I just to have that swelling sense of pride that has had a big bucket of cold water poured on it all too recently. All too often...

Home to see My Gemma

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