Sunday, December 12, 2021

Thursday, 11 November 2021: Celestun

Veterans’ Day.   I am not enjoying a day off from work but I am not forgetting to honor what today represents and to be grateful.  

We met Chris and Roger at Peter’s for breakfast.  They will be here only until mid-Dec

ember.  We have to make sure we see them now.  And, since they are selling, we will need to make plans to see them in Canada or Wisconsin or points beyond.

When we returned to Celestun I jumped in and offered to host Thanksgiving dinner as we’ve done in the past.  Today we caught up on the happenings of Jess and Nico and a few other expats in our community.  That helped to validate our decision to not host a large gathering.  This vaccine thing is just too divisive and too controversial to bring the turkey into it.

Justin and Abraham continue to make great  strides in our gardins.  Justin calls it waving the magic wand -- I am sure Abraham calls it lots and lots of work ...  poco a poco.  Justin does jump in of course... he just cant help himself.  Yesterday he got up early and trimmed bougainvillea.  He cut more than he had intended and was bummed.  He had to fess up to Abraham...yes, he knew it took two years for that to grow.

Melba came to clean.  Nancy is the best housekeeper, but Melba runs a close second.  I still can’t believe she comes from Merida!

The internet was zooming. I worked on bills and paperwork most of the afternoon.  

I got the Roku hooked up and we watched tv this evening for the first time this season.  That could be a mistake.

Aholi comes each week.  This week she brought Bethania for a quick visit.  What a cutie -- and she looks just like her daddy.

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