Monday, December 6, 2021

Tuesday, 26 October 2021: Celestún

We made stops at the grocery store before we left Mérida yesterday.  I wanted to buy Bounce to put in drawers to keep items smelling fresh.  Do you know how hard it is to find Bounce in Merida?  The need for Bounce assumes that one has a dryer.  Well, I did finally find some thankfully.  

I’m trying Susanna out as a new housekeeper.  Nancy, housekeeper extraordinaire, is not available.  Good for her that she is busy, but not good for me since my house needs some love.  Susanna is married to Eduardo who is Katherine’s velador (caretaker).  Eduardo and Abraham don’t really get along...welcome to the Peyton Place that is Celestun.

Aholi came to see Justin and me today.  Oh my goodness I have missed her!  
“Much inflamacion and constriccion.”  Oh yeah, she found my knots!  She left one of her tables at our house so, thankfully, we know she will be back.

Inflation hasn’t hit Celestun. Aholi still charges 500 MXP for an hour massage.  That means both Justin and I get massages and Aholi gets a pretty generous tip for $60.00.  Yes, she’ll be back next week.  

We heard through the grapevine that Green Bay had their first frost Saturday night.  Well, here in Celestun, we are going to go swimming before sunset ...again.

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