Thursday, December 23, 2021

Friday, 12 November 2021: Merida

Electricity was supposed to be out from 9-5. We figured we’d head to Merida early for the weekend.  First we walked the grounds with Abraham and shared our vision...ok, Justin shared his vision.  We are so fortunate to have Abraham.  He says he wants to learn to drive.  Should we do this now with our rental that is stick.  Yikes.. 

To Merida ... first stop...FedEx to pick up Justin’s wallet!   Yea!!!  The first thing I did was take a picture of Justin's driver's license and send it to Luis so Justin could be added to our rental car contract.  I told Justin I may never drive again.  We knew Ric would need to pay about $80 when he dropped off the wallet at FedEx in Green Bay but we weren’t expecting to need to pay several more hundred pesos on this end for import taxes.  Goodness, it was our property to begin with!  Plus, it was delivered to a different FedEx location than the address we gave them.  Thankfully it was in an area of Altabrisa that we know and was easily accessible.  

For dinner tonight, we chose an old friend, Piccoli.  We’d been there before but didn’t realize just how close it is to our hotel.  So, it is our new, old Italian restaurant. Everyone there seems to know each other. Greetings, hugs and table hopping are frequent.  And, most of the individuals simply don’t look Mayan. Is this the home of Merida’s Italian connection?  Our dinner sure was good.  We enjoyed a Portobello Risotto and finished with an almond torte.  Super yummy!

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