Thursday, December 27, 2018

Wednesday, 5 December 2018: Celestún

Today was a national day of mourning.  If I’d still been working for DoDEA, I’d have had the day off.  Hmmm, let me see, day off or being retired?  I’m just fine where I am.

Mid-term elections continue.  Some are still in dispute.  In Wisconsin, a power grab is in full swing trying to strip power from the governor before the new guy takes over.  New leader in Germany; Angela Merkle is set to be replaced.  Theresa May is facing opposition as she heads into Brexit.  

On a separate front, McCarthy is out.  Packer fans don’t take too lightly to missing the playoffs again.  Aaron Rogers just turned 35 in early December.  They better hurry up on that super bowl. I sure wouldn’t want that head coach job.

And, the Russia drama continues to unfold; Mueller, Manafort and Cohen retain their spot in the headlines while winter storms threaten all across the US.  

Me?  I happily hum to holiday music as I roam the isles of Walmart before I pour myself a glass of wine and settle into Michele Obama’s memoir “Becoming.”

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