Thursday, December 27, 2018

Wednesday, 21 November 2018: Casa Colibri

We were still lollygagging in bed when Justin’s phone rang but nobody on the other end spoke English.  It was a bit before 9am so he jumped up and handed the phone to Abraham.. it was the Sam’s delivery crew!  Yes, it was like wings and without fail!
The brought our new tv, our frig and our new washer!
They took our old washer outside (and left a trail of rust and debris across the floor).  We thought they were going to haul it away but hey, they didn’t even take away the packing materials.  Thankfully we were able to call Jonathan and his tricy taxi to haul it all away. (What a hoot!)
We want to put the washer in the guest bath but it is too wide.  It will fit if we remove part of the trim.  This is a relatively easy fix, but …

The frig is fabulous! They said wait 12 hours to plug it in.  We learned that might just be a delivery man’s ploy.  Thank goodness for the internet!


Justin got his bird into brining before we headed into town to go to Peter's for brunch and to get vegetables and ice.
Back home it was time for me to get busy cooking for tomorrow. I’ve always been intimidated by pie crusts.. so much pressure on a crisp, flaky pie crust.  Heck I’ll just make a cake, or some other fabulous dessert.  But you NEED pumpkin and pecan pie for Thanksgiving. Ok, here goes.

I'd found a recipe for a poblano cornbread dressing so I was trying my hand at that.  I'm learning that cooking here is always a bit of an adventure as things always turn out, well, a bit differently that one might expect.  Ingredients?  Climate?  Who knows.  Some things are fine and others, are just a bit different.  

Robbie and Dennis are coming.  She is bringing a green salad and cranberry sauce.  Since I couldn’t find any of that anywhere, that was her price of admission.  Thankfully she had some on hand.  I’ll be sure to add that to my list of items I stow away in my suitcase for next year.

Ivan, George, Jonathan continued to work throughout the day in the courtyard and in what will be our bedroom.  By nightfall I had a pecan pie in the oven and we had a fabulously illuminated courtyard.  Justin and I took time to walk about, admire, and just “be”.

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