Thursday, December 27, 2018

Sunday, 2 December 2018: Celestun

We’ve got a non-routine, routine going.  Justin wakes up way too early (we both wake up early) and starts to read.  He catches up on the day from CNN and the New York Times.  He reads the latest on the NFL and the stock market.  When I am in that netherland between awake and sleep he often reads to me — and I love it!  Sometimes when there is a quiz later I need a multiple choice format rather than short answer, but I get most of the gist.  After I have a bit of coffee, I often start a load of laundry.  It’s been a few years since I had a washer of my own so I am relishing in the chore.  Plus, it is so passive.  You throw it in and forget about it for 45 minutes and then you go back and hang it up.  How simple is that?  A dryer is not even on my list of things I want; neither is a dishwasher.  Too much for here.  

Jeremy and Alison have inherited a Hobie Cat sailboat and they don't know how to sail.  Justin to the rescue.  Jeremy says it is a community boat so we all headed down to see what we could see only to learn that there was a major part broken.  Alison's dad will bring the part when he comes to visit in a couple of weeks.  Meanwhile, we wait...

I love it that people just stop by our house.  During the last few days we’ve had unplanned visits from at least Carole, Cindy, and Jeremy.  Ivan and his workers were here at least two days last week.  Son stopped by to introduce himself; we will get him back for concrete work.  We are hosting Pilates three times each week and of course Abraham is here and he has a friend stop by from time to time too.  I like the hub-bub.  We always have beer and wine and I try to have a snack to offer.  A few days ago I made a copanat0.ta too thinking I’d offer that to guests sometime but Justin really liked it and ... oh, well, I’ll buy another eggplant when we next go to Merida.  

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