Friday, December 28, 2018

Sunday, 16 December 2018: Casa Colibri

Yesterday we finished the screens and slept in our bedroom for the first night -- finally!  I think we both slept quite well.  

Jesus came again.  Carole dubbed him “Sweet Jesus” at one point and it kind of stuck.  He truly is a find with regard to workers.  Justin discovered that he probably can’t read.  He had used google translate for something and then showed Jesus the screen.  The look of terror in his eyes prompted Justin to say the message out loud.  It is so sad.  Robbie has a habit of asking each of the workers who comes to her home how much education they have.  Many have never been to school at all.  This is a fishing village and I guess you don’t need much formal education for that.  We pay him 40pesos an hour which it the going rate for non-skilled labor.  This is one more reason why it is important that Jonathan is able to apprentice with the electrician.

Justin going at it with his chainsaw while Jesus wields the sledgehammer.

With Jesus working with Justin in the courtyard, Abraham is freed up to continue creating in the gardens.  He's had desert rose growing in the "nursery" that was ready to plant into the ground.  This area just opposite our front door will be magnificent when it matures.  

And, speaking of google translate, I got a What’s AP message from Abraham that google translated something like “... the puppies were out in the street just like the llamas.”  No, we have dogs, cats and pigs, not llamas too.  Many of us learned a long time ago “come se llama?” is translated as “What is your name?” but more specifically it is “what are you called?”  Google didn’t translate “llama” to “call”.  Abraham had told me to close the gate or the dogs would get out.  Sure ‘nuf they did, just like he said.

The girls came over this evening with beer and salty snacks in hand.  Earlier in the week when Grelty asked if she and Carri could come over on Sunday, I thought she meant they’d visit with Abraham.  But no, they came to see Justin and me.  Grelty, Carri, Shayla, Rebecca and Celeste came and stayed for several hours.  It was a hoot.  Grelty is the only one who speaks a bit of English, so conversation was sometimes halted but all in all, we had a great time!

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