Friday, December 28, 2018

Saturday, 8 December 2018: Casa Colibri

We hosted dinner for 14 this evening
Everyone talks about the dinners Peter used host so rather than lament, let’s get it started again.  We are hosting first and we will see who picks up the ball next.  
Our guests were mostly the Pilates class crowd plus  — Sandra and Peter and son Robert, Marie Francois and her partner Nicole as well as their house guests, Roberto and Lizette, Chris and Roger, as well as Carole, Robbie and Dennis, and Justin and me.  Alison, Jeremy and her dad were invited to join but were unable to make it.  They are having exterior stairs built as well as adding a second bathroom upstairs.  With at least 15 workers each day both inside and out, their hands are too full.  Wouldn’t I love to have 15 workers for just a day or two!

Coq au vin with mashed potatoes headed our menu.  I was pleased with the results. Nothing is ever quite the same when one cooks in Mexico so all too often you just don’t know where you’ll end up.  While I was busy in the kitchen, Justin busted it to truly prepare our apartment and the entire house.  To describe his efforts as “tidying up” would trivialize the work he did.  We talked throughout the day about taking time to rest for thirty minutes but those stolen minutes never came.  Abraham continued to work in the courtyard.  He’s been occupied braking down the stone structure.  That work is grueling because it is so hot.  Thank goodness Justin doesn’t have to do that!

Our guests arrived at 7:00 and it was time to show off our home and enjoy our good friends. 

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