Friday, December 28, 2018

Tuesday, 25 December 2018: Celestun

We started the day with a walk on the beach.  The water is way down after the last cold front so there was plenty of beach for strolling and lots of shells large and small.  We ran into Robbie, Marie Francois and Katherine.  Funny how we know the people and their dogs after basically a short amount of time.  

We've also been enjoying the full moon in the evening.  This is the last time we will have a full moon that coincides with the winter solstice until 2096. Since we will probably miss that one, we’ve been enjoying the night illumination. 

Justin and I were invited to Christmas dinner at Carole's.  My job was to make cookies so I made Sand Tarts.  I didn't have my favorite Helen Corbit recipe so I made do with one from the internet.  The dough wasn't exactly the same, but it might even be better since I didn't break too many of them at all.  It will be interesting to compare the ratio of flour to butter when I get home.

Carole made a chicken roladen dish as well as ribs.  Not a typical Christmas dinner fare, but, honestly, I enjoyed not having to cook.  It was nice to sit down with friends and celebrate!

Abraham has been busy creating yet another fabulous space

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