Thursday, December 27, 2018

Tuesday, 20 November 2018: Celestún

We woke up early and after breakfast prepared by Danielle in our hotel, we were on our way.  First stop was a quick stop at Walmart.  I found pie plates!  I had settled for some disposable aluminum ones previously, but these were nice Pyrex deep dish plates.  
Our goal was to be home in time for Aholi ad we made it just fine.  Ivan, Jonathan and other workers were pounding on the masonry throughout my massage, but it didn't bother me one bit.  
 I was relaxing and work was continuing -- how sweet is that?
I asked Abraham to check  on delivery of the frig, washer and tv.  His reply was that it would be here tomorrow " ... without fail, like wings."  Were these Abraham’s words, the same promises, or something lost in translation?  We wait...
The rest of the afternoon was lazy.  I bought bread from the panadaria to make shrimp toukilimano for dinner but that didn’t happen.  

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