Friday, December 28, 2018

Friday, 21 December 2018: Merida

Back to Merida today but this time only a day trip.  Our first stop was to see Mario where we initially talked about getting the cushions for our couch done.  We ended up getting not only that but also two love seats done and when he comes out to our house on 7 January, he will look at the kitchen for design input.  Yes, I am excited!  Our next stop was Alonso to turn back in the papers that Peter signed.  Then a quick and delicious lunch at Chaya Maya before we picked up our lamps.  Earlier in the week when we were here, Justin and I took turns hopping out of the car to look in this antique shop while the other one of us drove around the block two or three times.  We decided on three lamps, one for the outside of the front door, one for the commons and one accent light that reminds me of Morocco.  Don't know where that one will go yet, but it was too cool to pass by.  The obligatory stop at Sam’s was next for a few items for Peter before a very quick grocery store stop.  All this still meant Justin was driving home in the dark and now he has the same croop that I’ve had for the last three days.  Of course he was on the hit list.  Probably only a cold for both of us, but what an inconvenience.

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