Sunday, December 2, 2018

Saturday, 17 November 2018: Casa Colibri

When I woke up this morning I couldn’t t decide what to clean first. (Should I have just placed a cold compress across my forehead until this urge passed?) The major choices were in the kitchen or in the office area.  I started by washing new wine glasses and unpacking and washing a new set of pots and pans.  As I was doing that I began to set aside items to outfit the guest kitchen.

We had dinner this evening at Los Pampanos with Robbie to meet her new beau, Dennis.  Carol was there too as were Roger and Chris, fellow Canadians who used to own a house down on the port side of town.  Now, they own in Playa Maya.  Roger is full of info (he told me about a dentist that I’ll need to see soon); I’m sure we will run into he and Chris throughout the winter.

Earlier on the beach today we met Richard and Diane who were staying with Marilyn and Carolyn and we met Lillian and her husband whose name I can’t remember who are staying at Kathryn’s house.    We are really becoming part of the ex-pat community here.  Most people who’ve been here a while seem to be pleased that it was us who ended up with Casa Colibri.  We sure are!

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