Sunday, December 2, 2018

Friday, 16 November 2018: Merida

We were up, out the door and at Sam’s by 8am to buy a frig, washer, tv, printer and a host of other items.  We were ready for Buen Fin!  We had a case of beer as well as vodka and rum in our cart but it was still too early in the day to buy liquor.  We stopped at the local hardware store to buy supplies for the lights in the courtyard before Justin dropped me off at Superama, the grocery store with great cheese, while he made one more trip to Home Depot.  We couldn’t have fit one more thing in our car...again.
We made it home in time for a swim but for the first time this season, it was too cold for me.  I know I am a whimp but that might be the end.

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