Saturday, March 10, 2018

Tuesday, 6 March 2018: Casa Maria

Justin and I have selected a new name for this property but we aren't telling anyone until after we close. 

Justin worked more on the gardens; I think he just likes playing with his chain saw. I hung up the hummingbird feeders and started taking careful measurements of the kitchen. If we do end up here I'll be ready to remodel the kitchen. 

We waited all day to hear from Alanso-- all friggin day! I called a couple of times and sent an email. Finally, in frustration, I made an appointment for Thursday at 1:00pm. I don't think we need an appointment (until papers are ready to be signed) but at least this way we know when he has time set aside for us. 

Talked to Steven Marcoe this evening; this is Justin's knew sailing buddy who wants to establish a "sailing commune".  Justin thinks it would be better to call it a "co-op."  Steven's saying of "...plans being written in the sand and in the clouds..." is certainly accurate. The boat won't be making it to Charleston for race week but it might be in New Orleans for the tall ships and the jazz festival. Now that would be a hardship!

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