Saturday, March 10, 2018

Monday, 5 March 2018: Casa Maria

Justin and I putzed around the house all day yesterday. He worked like a trogan in Maria's quarters going through clothes, linens and crap. I worked on our blog and put the things we'd taken to Carol's back in place. Next time we pack to leave, things will look quite differently since many of the items we had packed in the car can also now stay here. 

We called Alanso first thing this morning. Of course we didn't get through to him but Justin did get all the info to his associate, Antonio. We wait.  

Justin got his chain saw going big time today. I ran errands, picked up the rest of our stuff from Carol's and got my haircut before Aholi came in the early afternoon. 

Meanwhile, we are still waiting to hear from Alanso...

Ishmael delivered and assembled our bed frame this afternoon. He really is a nice guy. He told us about his hacienda and told us he'd invite us there for drinking and dancing. I told him we liked to drink and dance and that we'd be there in November. 

Ishmael and son Freddy deliver and set up our cedar king-sized bed frame.
We had to wait a while since I didn't like the ones he had in stock when we bought the mattress.
I thought they were too fussy.  These are more plain and more in line with our villa.

As the day was winding down, and we still hadn't heard back from the lawyer or his associate, we both had fears of doubt raising their ugly head. Surely it is going through this time, right? Please!

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