Sunday, March 4, 2018

Sunday, 25 February 2018 Celestun

Kongo spent the night at Casa Maria last night.  I had heard another dog barking throughout the night  -- all night -- I could tell it was a small dog but it didn't sound like Charley.  The barking was incessant so this morning when I saw Kongo, I knew the culprit.  Kongo belongs to George who lives just down the street on Calle 12.  Jonathan sometimes dog-sits for George.  The first time we met Kongo and George, Justin, Gemma and I  were walking on the beach.  George introduced himself and asked in Gemma was a girl or a boy.  We said girl and he calmed a bit but quickly added that his dog, Kongo, "...wasn't good at relationships."  Was that a little too telling?  

We'd ordered cochinta pibil for lunch today.   Beto, Grelty's husband, delivered the delicacy about 10:30.  Ric came over about noon and Oh my goodness it was heaven!

Carol invited us all over for dinner tonight.  Homemade tostados were on the menu.  The  food was great and the company was better.

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