Thursday, March 15, 2018

Saturday, 10 March 2018: Casa Maria

Justin and I both were wide awake at 2:30 this morning.  What is up with that?

When it was really time to be awake, Justin continued to get the courtyard cleaned up -- he is almost there!  I worked on our blog.  I really wanted to be caught up before we hit the road.

We are getting a new tope right in front of our house.  It looks as if they go from town all the way to the military base which is about one more kilometer toward the north.  I do hope that they also change the speed limit signs as no one should even try to go 60km/hour with these serious speed bumps.  Initially Justin thought a truck had just lost part of its load. But no, everyone gets their own tope and this one is ours.  Maybe they will repair some of the roads next.  ???

Justin and Abraham went to Hunucma to go to a local nursery for plants. Justin bought two sour orange trees and three dulce (sweet) orange trees as well as one pine tree (he wanted more but that's all they had), and one variegated ficus. He also bought one juniper plant for Abraham. These plants are small, the orange trees are only about two feet tall, but now is the time to get them in the ground.

I went to Carol's to collect the microwave this afternoon  I rode/drove our tricycle.  Do not try this at home -- do not try this in a dress.

Carole (I just learned that she is Carole with an "e") had a group over for dinner of delicious curry.  She prepared a chicken tikka dish as well as a beef curry with all the trimmings.  Winn and Robbie were there as were Katherine (vet from Vancouver) and her friend Rob (works for the local government in Vancouver). It was a nice evening and a perfect chance to get to know some of our neighbors. 

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