Saturday, March 10, 2018

Friday, 9 March 2018: Casa Maria

Carol came by for a chat while we were having breakfast of smoked salmon with cream cheese and capers.   She wanted the update on our progress. I do like the fact that she feels comfortable with just dropping by.

Our main goal for the day was to get money transferred to Bijan in Germany.  I was scrambling in conversations with Capital Credit Union to get the earnest money transferred. When they told me they didn't approve wire transfers over the phone I asked them to find a way. They said they'd need you have a supervisor approve the transaction. Then they explained that I'd be talking to Savanah O'Shaunasey. Well yes, she is our banker now but since Justin was her third grade teacher, there really wasn't much to worry about. I was confident she'd be able to validate who we were over the phone. Yes, I love CapitalCU!!!

While I was going back and forth with Capital, Justin was in communication with Bijan to get his correct banking info.  The information in the contract wasn't accurate.   We were working against the clock since the cut off for international transfers was 1:30pm and it was Friday.  We really wanted to get this done today!  In the middle of this press,  Robbie and Winn came over to introduce themselves. They are from Colorado and live a bit farther north on Calle 12. They didn't get the memo about a brief first visit.  Robbie left at one point to go check on workers at her house who are installing an electric gate.  When she came back she brought tuna salad, crackers and a bottle of wine.  I had already gotten out cheese, crackers olives to go with our wine and beer.  Peter came over while they were still here and we all shared (another) adult beverage. 

 Justin walked the property with Abraham while Peter was here to translate. Justin shared his vision for the gardens and the landscaping. If we are going to be gone until November, Abraham needs to be working toward our goals. Justin knows where he wants to plant citrus and bananas.  We chose which color of bougainvillea to enhance the upper curve of the front gate.  Later we talked to Peter about monthly bills, care for the animals and our communication with him as the local overseer. 

In town for dinner we saw dozens and dozens of locals lined up in the centro zocolo.  It looked as if there were two lines -- the people got a piece of paper in one and then what was going on in the second?  I asked Marie Francois and she explained that this is the breeding season for one specific local fish and the fishermen can't fish.  So, the local government give them food as a supplement.   I was a bit embarrassed to say that initially I thought all the plastic wrapped piles in front of "city hall" were trash.  Actually, I was hoping that someone was making a stand about the trash in town.  But no... not yet.  

All in all, it was a busy day. We didn't finish our banking as the money wasn't transferred. We had lots of company and that was great. I like the idea of people dropping by. I like the idea of Celestun!  

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