Thursday, March 29, 2018

Sunday, 18 March 2018: Guanajuato

Called Expedia and started my war with them. I explained my plight from yesterday and they were willing to offer me $50. Then the poor guy couldn’t process it. When the supervisor came on the line and I explained that I had just waited another 45 minutes, he offered $100. And here I was trying to be all calm and professional throughout this knowing that I too am in the hotel business! I will need to consolidate my Expedia account with Justin’s but that must wait for another day. 

Snuck Gemma downstairs out of our hotel room where she was not allowed and went to lunch on the square.

Guanajuato is nestled in a valley making for narrow twisty, winding roads.  Much of the city’s roadways are comprised of underground road system which also means lots of stairs go along with many winding narrow streets.   Last year when Cousin Mike drove here from San Miguel de Allende, he got overwhelmed and intimidated

and didn’t even get out of the car.  One of the main reasons I wanted to go to Guanajuato was to go to the mummy museum. When I did a bit of research I learned that there was a funicular that went up to a grand stone monument, Pipila, dedicated to the workers in the silver mines who were instrumental in the 1810 revolution.  

An old car from the mines now
serves as a planter
Like SanMiguel de Allende, Guanajuato is a colonial town.  There are not as many Americans or expats in general in Guanajuato as there are in San Miguel de Allende (which was recently named "Best city in the world " by Travel and Leisure), and even though the city is a bit larger, we really liked the feel of the town.  We do need to make sure we don’t plan our visit next year on a weekend.  

Today, knowing that we’d spend the better part of the next two days in the car, I decided I just wanted to roam and putz.  We had planned to go to the mummy museum until we realized that 1) we are going to be in the car all day again for the next two days and 2) this is our last shopping day in Mexico! I am really done. I really don’t want to go to any more markets or try any more exotic food. I really am ready to be on our way. However, I did take time for some retail therapy and another margarita. 

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