Thursday, March 29, 2018

Saturday, 17 March 2018: Puebla

Justin was awake early so we were on the road at just after 5am bound for Guanajuato. Heading west, sunrise over the mountains in the rear-view window was spectacular.  As we pulled into town about 1pm, there were guys out in the street waving you down to share tourist info. While this might sound like a great service, in actuality it was a nuisance. We didn’t know who they were are what they wanted. The first one had on a uniform of sorts so we pulled over. I partially rolled down the window to hear the explanation/offer of assistance. My Spanish is poor but it was good enough to know that the answer here was NO. 

When we finally got to our hotel, we found that there had been a gigantic screw up with Expedia and the hotel was fully booked. I was on the phone with Expedia in a heartbeat; they called the hotel back to confirm that there was no room and then asked me to hold while they connected me with the “relocation team.” Did you even know that Expedia had a relocation team? After waiting 40 minutes a supervisor came in the line to tell me she was passing me to the relocation team. Uh oh! I told her that I wasn’t sure what she had been doing but during the last 40 minutes I had made reservations at another hotel and I sure hoped that the new hotel would have room for us. Yes, I need to talk to them some more but I needed a drink first. And oh yes I will fill out a survey.  

After we got checked into the Hotel Reforma, a funky little hotel near the centro, we headed for a beverage. We ended up in the square at an outdoor restaurant and while our happy hour turned into dinner, we found ourselves in the middle of Mariachi turf wars. Two groups were vying for the glory in our restaurant. One was more traditional and quite good. The second group worked too hard and their amp (yes, one of the guitar players had an amp) was right by our table. Parts were awful. Justin even put plugs in his ears. It was embarrassing even if it was warranted. 

These two performers were quite good. 
She nailed a Beatles piece with her
raw, raspy Janice Joplin voice.

Don Quixote is a big deal here

We were tempted to crash the wedding

View from our hotel window

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