Sunday, March 4, 2018

Friday, 23 February 2018: Casa Maria

I'd promised Peter I'd make jambalaya for him so today was the day. I started baking the cookies pretty early (for me). The cats got into the refrigerator last night and ate the chicken I bought yesterday. Ok maybe it was the dogs who pushed up against the refrigerator door and popped it open. Or wait, maybe it was one of us who loaded up the door of the frig with beer and didn't close the door securely. No matter, ... back to the Carne Maxi to buy more chicken. Those sure are smart cats, and today they seem rather contented. 

Truth be told...I've never made jambalaya. Everything one makes in Mexico is an experiment of sorts to begin with. Today's culinary treat was no exception but it turned out fine.  Kim brought the seasoning mix when she came from Florida and I gave the remainder of the package to Peter for when he's ready to venture out on his own.

Our guest of honor was Peter.  Carol, Sandra, Abraham, Jonathan, Elsa, Milagros, Isabella and of course Ric joined Justin and me for a great evening.  We might have liked to have had another reason for celebrating, but it was a nice farewell dinner to Casa Maria.

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