Thursday, March 29, 2018

Monday, 19 March 2018: Guanajuato

Today was a red letter day for the Miller family.  Why you ask?  Keep reading. 
What kind of tree is that?

We left Guanajuato behind us by 7 am as the city was just beginning to awaken. There was enough light to see and enjoy the sites as we were heading north.   We drove through a part of town we hand the seen previously — no tunnels today.  All the stone must have ensured that the first settlers had no shortage of building supplies.  

We stopped for breakfast at a roadside cart.  We both had guisados — a tortilla filled with bean and fried then split and topped with a variety of delicious fillings.  Justin had pork with onions, beans and a red sauce he described as “muy sabor y no caliente” (very flavorful but not hot).  Mine had eggs with potatoes and ham with pico. We also had a huge glass of tangerine juice, a large bottle of water for the road and a sticky bun for later. Justin had a second course for the road of a tortilla filled with eggs, potatoes, ham and beans. I figured that if we ate street food like this on our way south we’d get sick as dogs but on our way north, we are accustomed to the flora and fauna of Mexico. All together our breakfast cost 90 MXP. About $4.50

As we got a bit closer to the border I started looking for vets.  When you cross the border, pets are supposed to have a healthy vet check going both ways.  We’ve never been asked for our paperwork but we continue to make sure we are in compliance.  We picked a name out of the hat and called to make an appointment with Dr. Malacara just north of Monterrey.  I was driving and missed my turn and ended up right in the middle of Monterrey — exactly what we were trying to avoid.  When we finally got to the vet, it was a hoot.  He never even touched our dog!  And, I typed up the papers, Justin proofread them, the vet signed.  That was the division of duties there.  We paid our $50 and moved on.  But this was our #3 reason for a red letter day.


Somewhere in the middle of the afternoon I received an email that our property managers in Georgetown had signed a new lease on our house in Georgetown!  Yea!  The house is rented!  #2 reason our red letter day.

The biggest success of the day was that we received notification the Bijan received our deposit!!!  This was our #1 reason to have a red letter day.  And, red letter days mean that it can be a red wine day too.  We bought tamales from a food stall on the way to our hotel.  Tamales go quite well with Italian red wine.  

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