Thursday, March 29, 2018

Critters and more critters

Casa Maria is a phenomenal property and no matter who owns the title to the property in the future, the space will be pet friendly.  Yes, this decision has already been made.  Why you ask ... Maria quite liked animals.  In addition to the five dogs, seven cats and two pigs that we’ve inherited she also had goats, rabbits, ducks, geese, sheep, cows and horses. Oh, and a tuccan. 

First the dogs:

We call him Charlie. 
This little Terrier mix is probably my favorite of all the dogs.

We call her Mochie. 
She might be boxer and something with a curly tail.  Her short hair is dark fawn in color and shows off her white chest. 

Chuchuc is really timid and really sweet. Think of a yellow lab with the body of a Rottweiler. 

I call him Big Bad Black Dog.
He is a black lab and he is the loose cannon.  He has bitten guests but mostly reformed; we hope.  We may have to deal with him in an extreme fashion.

We call her Rin Tin Tina because she has German Shepard ears.  Rin Tin Tina is the problem dog. Apparently, in Mexico, when dogs are neutered, they tie the tubes and leave the ovaries.  They want the dogs to still want to have sex.  Rin Tin Tina gets too aggressive and is too mean to the other dogs particularly to Chuchuc.  One afternoon the dogs got into a fight that was just awful. Both Justin and I have been around dogs our entire life and this was the longest and the most aggressive.  Abraham was pulling on her tail and throwing water on her while Justin went to get a club or something to break this up.  (I had gone into overprotective parent mode and grabbed Gemma.)  Without question, this was the worse dog fight either of us had ever seen.  

The dogs really like the lobby. 
Most often you'll see two or three on the couch or near the door.

All the cats have Mayan names but since cats don’t even know their own names it is ok that we named a few of them something new.

Annie is orange and white with green eyes. She is sweet but naughty.  They say a cat picks you and Annie chose us.  She greets us at the car and follows Justin around the entire property.  She’s the first one on the kitchen counter but she is sweet.

Coppurrnicus. He earned his name because he is copper and he purrs a lot.  He was quite happy to be on our side of the house and sneak into our room on most evenings.

Electra is a gray tiger male cat with a huge mane around his neck.  He looks just like he stuck his paw in a light socket.  He quite likes the kitchen counter.

There is a really pretty white cat with Siamese like markings and blue eyes.  We call her "the white one."
And then there is another gray tiger male, a calico and a black one.  We call him "the black one."

Abraham cooks for the animals each day.  He gets meat from the butcher shop and cooks that along with rice or pasta or both.  It is quite the production.  The cats get kibble too.  We save everything you can imagine for the pigs.  Can they really like a banana peel?  Oh yes!  Peter saves delicacies from his restaurant for the pigs too.  They particularly like the inside of citrus but leave the rind.  



 Each day about 10am Abraham takes the dogs to the beach for a run.  They get really excited and it is good for them.


There are other animals at Casa Maria such as the gecko that was outside our bedroom window for several days and the scorpion that stung Justin. 
And, of course, we have the beloved Gemma.