Sunday, March 17, 2019

Tuesday, 5 March 2019: Casa Colibri

The first thing Justin said the morning after his surgery was that he was surprised how well he was doing.  Oh, that was good to hear.  I played nurse Nancy for the next few days and he did get better each day.  He slowly ate more solid foods.  He was good with his meds.  I tried to keep up with ice packs.  

The big news today was that Frank arrived early this afternoon —our first official paying guest.  We’d met Frank last year at Hotel Gutierrez.  He’s originally from Kentucky I think but calls Dallas home mostly now.  He’s spent a lot of time on the island of Roatan off the coast of Honduras.  Frank is exactly what we'd hoped for in a guest.  He is pleasant, he is independent, he is tidy.  He  plans to be here through the summer.  It will be great to have another set of eyes on the property.  He got settled quickly.  Here we go!

I made a quick run into town to pick up food for the pigs and got stopped by dancing in the street -- literally.  What do you do when you can't go any farther -- you take pictures from inside the car.  At least I had a front row seat.

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