Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Thursday, 7 February 2019: Merida

Steve is better. He said he could “fart with confidence.”  Is that good?
Justin and I headed to Merida as I had a dental appointment. I have crown that had been lose for too long so I am finally taking care of business. 
Found distilled water for Justin's CPAP machine.  We know know to go to Farmcia Bazaar.  We are learning.  

Talked to Pedro about our kitchen design. We will meet with him next Thursday when we come back to Merida.  We returned to La Cueva de Cherna for a fabulous seafood lunch.
Justin and I started making plans to head north.  I don’t want to think about it.  
The rest of the afternoon was eaten up with stops at Sam's, Home Depot, Chedrauri (my new favorite grocery store), Kia (where we had more tire saga), and Walmart before we headed home where we were welcomed by Steve's homemade spaghetti sauce.  Now that was a treat!  

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