Sunday, March 17, 2019

Saturday, 16 February 2019: Yucatan

Today we moved out of the big kitchen and into the guest kitchen .  We will be here for the foreseeable future.  At 6:30 in the morning Justin was moving the frig and making all kinds of racket.  Abraham sent out the word and Ivan and his team were standing by quite soon to lift the frig up over the countertop and into place.  (Of all the things that might one day get stolen, I doubt this frig will be one.)  I was oh, so nervous, but hey, with a few back and a few beers, it was done.  Big sigh of relief!  We won't need to do that again.

Frig on the outside -- frig lifted

Frig down on inside

Frig going over

 In the early afternoon we set our sights for Hacienda San Jose Pachul to celebrate Valentines Day.  Last year we went to Hacienda Santa Rosa.  I think that might be our Valentine's tradition... we could try a new hacienda each year.  There are several to choose from within an hour or so drive...maybe.  Our group was six: Roger and Chris, Catherine and Lillian, Justin and me.  Steve had said he wanted to go but then changed his mind.  As always, our dinner was lovely and delicious.  However, truth be told, I’d rather have been there with just Justin instead of with the group.  Ok, I know I am selfish.  

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