Sunday, March 17, 2019

Saturday, 1 March 2019: Merida

We left the house at 6:30 am for Justin’s oral surgery.  

I ran errands, yes, Home Depot,where I did not find shims, Sam's and the grocery store where I did finally find hand soap (it was in the drug aisle).  I didn't find poppy seeds.  I did find non alcoholic wine but since it was before 10am I could not purchase it.  “Sin alcohol”  What is up with that?  All in all, it was a mixed bag regarding successes.

We stopped by the farmacia to get Justin’s prescriptions filled (pain, swelling and a mouth rinse) and got him home.  He has been instructed to have complete bed rest for three days. That will be a challenge.  Ice packs thirty minutes on and thirty minutes off.

I’d left detailed instructions for Nancy with Abraham and our house looked fabulous when we returned.  She really is a gem.  That freed me up to dote on the patient.  Only liquid foods today; we can progress to mashed foods tomorrow.  I rearranged the furniture in the living room so Justin can watch tv easily and got him settled in there.  I was exhausted.  I know he felt like crap but I was exhausted.  

I am going to host a baby shower for Aholi.  Her baby is due the end of March.  Earlier we'd decided on March 9th as the date.  I asked her to make a list of names as well as a wish list of items she'd like to receive.  I had planned on two in the afternoon, about twenty ladies.  I had envisioned a watermelon carved like a basket filled with fruit salad served with poppy seed dressing.  I had planned on chicken salad stuffed croissants and I had asked Grelty to make the cake.  I envisioned the flowers we'd have for decorations.  The biggest question I had was with the punch (that's why I was trying to by non-alcoholic wine).  All that was fine and good.  Aholi said her sister-in-law would help and when I met with Sandi, I had to let it all go.  This isn't my culture.  It has been twenty or thirty years since I've even been to a baby shower much less hosted one and certainly never in Mexico.  Sandi told me the aunties would provide the food -- I said ok.  I still had flowers and punch on my list of things to worry about.  
Today was the day to send out the invitations.  Sandi and I split them --  I sent them out to mostly the expats and Sandi sent them out to the local friends and family.  Aholi's mother lives in Acapulco.  She will come when the baby is born; I do hope I get to meet here.  

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