Monday, March 18, 2019

Tuesday, 12 March 2019: Merida

Isaac came for measuring the granite for the main kitchen on Monday.  Work continues in there.  It is so, so messy.  

Dinner last night at Janet and Tim’s. Janet made fried chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy.  I took (leftover) Texas caviar.  Gary was the other guest and he’d made three types of bar cookies that he brought for dessert.  

Today we were off to Merida.  Justin needed to be at imaging by 8am so he could be at his surgeon by 8:30 so we had an early start.  My final appointment wasn’t until 10:00 so we had time for a great breakfast at the little hotel right across the street, Meson do la Luna.  Justin got some of his stitches out but we need to come back one more time for him.  I got my new crown and after a cleaning, I was sent on my way — thankfully.

We made it home in time for our almost daily sunset swim.  I sure do like it here!

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