Sunday, March 17, 2019

Sunday, 24 February 2019: Casa Colibri

We are watching the weather in Wisconsin as we need to time our departure.  Temps in Brussels today are scheduled to be low of -5 and a high of 12.  Yes, a high of 12. We are set for a bit longer.  

Ivan and Jonathan stopped by with crab.  Somehow, that turned into a party.  Justin and I were fine with it!  Rebecca and Jesus showed up too.  Ricardo showed up to continue painting; Justin gave him the choice of beer or painting.  He joined the party too.  At some point Tim and Janet stopped by as well.  When we ran out of crab, Ivan sent Jonathan to his house and he came back with shrimp.  Thankfully we never ran out of beer (even though Victor's tienda isn't very far down the street at all.)

Mochi was right in the middle of all the action

Tom Parins arrived today.  He and Yadira just spent a week or so in Costa Rica and he stopped by here on his way home.  He was here last year so it was nice to see our house through his eyes.  He noticed every single update and change that we have made.  His visit will be short but it is nice to have him here for a few days.  

Vendors selling T-shirt’s in preparation for the trump-jung summit in Hanoi is one thing.  But Kim Jung Ale, a kimchi flavored beer with sour notes?  Are you kidding me?

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