Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Sunday, 10 February 2019: Casa Colibri


Steve went fishing this morning.  I took him down to the dock early this morning.  He hasn't been impressed with the fishing here but he is giving it one more shot.  

We have to find a new home for Chahook.  She attacked Gemma last night and she has to go.  They were both in the kitchen; Justin was right beside them.  There was no food involved -- nothing to provoke of incite.  Chahook chopped down on the side of Gemma's face.  I was in the guest kithen and thankfully I missed it all.  Justin had a few well placed punches on Chahook before we followed the trail of blood to find Gemma.  He grabbed a towel and jumped into the car while I drove them both to Katherine's.  I started honking as we approached and then got out of the car yelling "Katherine, it is Justin and Paula...we need you."  Katherine may have thought she was on vacation, but thankfully she was at home and she went into totally professional veterinarian mode.  We put Gemma in the sink to rinse her off so we could see the source of the active bleeding. Justin and I were convinced we might lose her but Katherine did her best to calm us as she assessed Gemma.  She determined that there was a puncture above her eyebrow as well as in her gum and that her sinuses were probably crushed.  We all sat down with Justin holding Gemma to just watch her for a while to make sure she was stable.  Later, she gave us some antibiotics and sent us home.  Thankfully, Steve had been on clean up duty while we were gone and I didn't have to walk back into the carnage.  Truthfully I was surprised that Chahook was still alive; I know that Steve would have taken care of that had I even hinted that's what I wanted.  Earlier in the week a feral cat came in the yard.  All the other dogs chased it a gave up but Gemma followed the cat up the stairs where, half-way up the cat turned and bit at Gemma.  Also last week, when Ricardo was painting in our bedroom, Gemma walked too close to the paint and got a nice pale green on her front legs.  Steve's summed it up with "it was quite a week for Gemma.  She got cat bit, dog bit and painted.”
That's enough for me...I'd do fine with a few boring days.  

After a rough night where neither Justin or I slept much, Justin stayed in bed most of the day with Gemma.  If he wasn't right there, I was.  We were not willing to leave her alone even though she was alert and not bleeding.   

Abraham potted the plants we'd bought for the bathroom.  I wanted to get some good fung shui going in there.  Steve made a Mexican lasagna for dinner that was delish!  Janet and Tim joined us so you know that was fun!

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