Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Tuesday, 12 February 2019: Casa Colibri

Pilates continues every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.  No need for me to worry about going to the gym or going anywhere since the classes are right here in my home.  I certainly can't miss either.  

We wondered this morning if Steve was at home.  We need to get him a “gone fishing”sign for his door.

Janet and I went on a "drive about" tour in Celestun yesterday where she showed me her favorite flat chicken place, the tamale place, the pizza place and a few other prize locales.  This town is so small you might think I could find these places by myself, but which ones do you trust even if you could find them.  We ended our tour with margaritas at Poseidon.  Yes, we both had more than one.  

Today, Katherine and her visiting friend Lillian came to dinner.  It was a last minute deal so we served tamales (now that I know where the tamale place is).. Great company and a small way to say thanks for helping us out with Gemma.  

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