Monday, March 18, 2019

Saturday, 9 March 2019: Casa Colibri

It is really official now... we got our license to be a guest house today.  We had to go to “city hall” and show proof that we’d paid taxes, water and trash for the year and we gave them a copy of our already outdated brochure to share our business plan.  After gaining the signature of the “presidente” (the mayor), we are in business, really.  Despite Peter’s offer that he’d take care of any questions the might arise when we are gone, since Frank will be here for the summer, we were not willing to take any chances.  Certainly this is cause for celebration.    

Today we hosted a baby shower for Aholi, the massage tech who comes to our house each week.  Even though we haven’t set up one of our rooms as a spa area, she leaves her table here.  I hadn’t attended much less hosted a baby shower in years so that was another step into local culture.

I had it all planned in my mind.  My plan had a light meal, tasteful decorations, no games. Then I remembered where I was and I let go to the best friend and aunties.  I asked a local friend to bake the cake, and in my very best Spanish, I ordered flowers for the tables.  When I went in the morning to pick them up, I didn't know at all what I'd get.  I knew I'd asked for 6 arrangements in pink and white.  I knew I'd paid for them.  What would I find?  I was so pleased!  I buy produe from this ladt and she is so, so sweet.  Now I like her even more!

Sandi and Damaris setting up
Tables and chairs started to show up about 5:30 pm and the two “sisters” who said they’d be here by 5:00 showed up before 6pm.  The guest of honor showed up at 7:50. (The invitation read 7pm... this is Mexico, right?). Aunties did show up later too, thankfully, with pasta salad, a (mystery) meat stuffed pastry, fancy pigs-in-a-blanket (fancy because there was a jalapeño inside) and cupcakes.

Grelty made the cake!
Yes, there were games.  We wrote letters to the baby that she’ll read when she is 18 years old.  Using toilet paper we guessed how big around Aholi is and blindfolded pairs fed each other puréed prunes.  Most of the ladies spoke only Spanish.   Chris Mirka had graciously offered to help me so she arrived early.  Spending time with her was an added plus for me. The evening was absolutely delightful.. Justin stayed with the dogs in our living room; he said the sounds of laughter flowed through all evening.  It was a mountain of work and I think Aholi was truly pleased.     I got most of the house put back together while Justin drove Chris home; I was ready for a shower and bed for sure.

Juan had drawn a picture of the baby that Aholi sported with pride.  Tony looked pretty proud too.

I did not pinch this baby!

Chris feeding Grelty prunes while blindfolded

Justin and I set up the Pack-n-Play the night before.  We filled the bottom with 
balloons and then placed the gifts in the top.  I think Aholi was pleased.

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