Monday, March 18, 2019

Thursday, 14 March 2018: CelestĂșn

We have a new baby!  Kim, Dellene's daughter, had her baby yesterday.  Brewster was born a bit early but she is a healthy 5 lbs 12 oz.  Dellene says she in tiny and Kim is doing fine.  She said she even had earrings on this morning.  

We met Tim and Janet for drinks at Poseidon yesterday.  Funny how that can turn into an event with them.  Ed and Angie were there too and it was nice to be able to spend a bit of time with them too.  

Soms and his team continued working

Aholi came at 10:30.  I am always like a noodle after she leaves.  

We had drinks with Chris and Roger in Playa Maya.  I made an eggplant and yogurt dish that seemed to go over quite well.  We visited Playa Maya when we first came to Celestun.  The "resort" is owned by Canadians and it is plagued by problems with titles and ownership.  I would love it there.  A one or two bedroom condo with access to the pool, right on the beach  Oh yes, I could go there in a heartbeat.  I'd never been in any of the units.  Roger and Chris' is all tricked out and fabulous.  Their friend Ian and Bridgit joined us for drinks and we got to see their house too.  

Brigit and Ian's kitchen has a totally different feel 
from that of Roger and Chris.

Tuesday, 12 March 2019: Merida

Isaac came for measuring the granite for the main kitchen on Monday.  Work continues in there.  It is so, so messy.  

Dinner last night at Janet and Tim’s. Janet made fried chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy.  I took (leftover) Texas caviar.  Gary was the other guest and he’d made three types of bar cookies that he brought for dessert.  

Today we were off to Merida.  Justin needed to be at imaging by 8am so he could be at his surgeon by 8:30 so we had an early start.  My final appointment wasn’t until 10:00 so we had time for a great breakfast at the little hotel right across the street, Meson do la Luna.  Justin got some of his stitches out but we need to come back one more time for him.  I got my new crown and after a cleaning, I was sent on my way — thankfully.

We made it home in time for our almost daily sunset swim.  I sure do like it here!

Sunday, 10 March 2019: Celestun

I was determined to take the day off today — I am retired; I earned it.

Abraham’s birthday is tomorrow so Justin and I took him to breakfast at Peter’s.  That’s a great way to start any day but especially a day off.  Rebecca was able to join us there.  

We went to the beach for our sunset swim.  Sandra and Robert were there and they joined us.  Sandra and I got to chat while Justin and Robert headed out to the sand bar.  Today was so, so special because we got to see dolphins.  Many have said they’d seem them but I’d never seen any.  That was a real treat.  No camera to document the sighting but I certainly made a memory.

Carol ecame over for dinner.  We had flat chicken and Texas Caviar.  We had all kinds of punch ingredients left over after the shower.  I'd made dozens of ice cubes with pineapple juice and a maraschino cherry.  What's a girl to do?  Add rum and a generous squeeze of lime juice and call it a Mai Tai.  Carole was happy to have the beverage of the casa.

Saturday, 9 March 2019: Casa Colibri

It is really official now... we got our license to be a guest house today.  We had to go to “city hall” and show proof that we’d paid taxes, water and trash for the year and we gave them a copy of our already outdated brochure to share our business plan.  After gaining the signature of the “presidente” (the mayor), we are in business, really.  Despite Peter’s offer that he’d take care of any questions the might arise when we are gone, since Frank will be here for the summer, we were not willing to take any chances.  Certainly this is cause for celebration.    

Today we hosted a baby shower for Aholi, the massage tech who comes to our house each week.  Even though we haven’t set up one of our rooms as a spa area, she leaves her table here.  I hadn’t attended much less hosted a baby shower in years so that was another step into local culture.

I had it all planned in my mind.  My plan had a light meal, tasteful decorations, no games. Then I remembered where I was and I let go to the best friend and aunties.  I asked a local friend to bake the cake, and in my very best Spanish, I ordered flowers for the tables.  When I went in the morning to pick them up, I didn't know at all what I'd get.  I knew I'd asked for 6 arrangements in pink and white.  I knew I'd paid for them.  What would I find?  I was so pleased!  I buy produe from this ladt and she is so, so sweet.  Now I like her even more!

Sandi and Damaris setting up
Tables and chairs started to show up about 5:30 pm and the two “sisters” who said they’d be here by 5:00 showed up before 6pm.  The guest of honor showed up at 7:50. (The invitation read 7pm... this is Mexico, right?). Aunties did show up later too, thankfully, with pasta salad, a (mystery) meat stuffed pastry, fancy pigs-in-a-blanket (fancy because there was a jalapeño inside) and cupcakes.

Grelty made the cake!
Yes, there were games.  We wrote letters to the baby that she’ll read when she is 18 years old.  Using toilet paper we guessed how big around Aholi is and blindfolded pairs fed each other purĂ©ed prunes.  Most of the ladies spoke only Spanish.   Chris Mirka had graciously offered to help me so she arrived early.  Spending time with her was an added plus for me. The evening was absolutely delightful.. Justin stayed with the dogs in our living room; he said the sounds of laughter flowed through all evening.  It was a mountain of work and I think Aholi was truly pleased.     I got most of the house put back together while Justin drove Chris home; I was ready for a shower and bed for sure.

Juan had drawn a picture of the baby that Aholi sported with pride.  Tony looked pretty proud too.

I did not pinch this baby!

Chris feeding Grelty prunes while blindfolded

Justin and I set up the Pack-n-Play the night before.  We filled the bottom with 
balloons and then placed the gifts in the top.  I think Aholi was pleased.

Sunday, March 17, 2019

Thursday, 7 March 2019: Merida

Som's team continues to work on kitchen but we were off to Merida.  Ivan was there for a bit too to disconnect the gas and electricity.   In the US, you get cabinets done and then you install (granite) countertops.  Here, in Mexico, you chip up all the tile, complete all the masonry work, install the granite and then worry about cabinets.  Really?  ok... here we go.

We got home in time for a sunset swim.  

Tuesday, 5 March 2019: Casa Colibri

The first thing Justin said the morning after his surgery was that he was surprised how well he was doing.  Oh, that was good to hear.  I played nurse Nancy for the next few days and he did get better each day.  He slowly ate more solid foods.  He was good with his meds.  I tried to keep up with ice packs.  

The big news today was that Frank arrived early this afternoon —our first official paying guest.  We’d met Frank last year at Hotel Gutierrez.  He’s originally from Kentucky I think but calls Dallas home mostly now.  He’s spent a lot of time on the island of Roatan off the coast of Honduras.  Frank is exactly what we'd hoped for in a guest.  He is pleasant, he is independent, he is tidy.  He  plans to be here through the summer.  It will be great to have another set of eyes on the property.  He got settled quickly.  Here we go!

I made a quick run into town to pick up food for the pigs and got stopped by dancing in the street -- literally.  What do you do when you can't go any farther -- you take pictures from inside the car.  At least I had a front row seat.

Saturday, 1 March 2019: Merida

We left the house at 6:30 am for Justin’s oral surgery.  

I ran errands, yes, Home Depot,where I did not find shims, Sam's and the grocery store where I did finally find hand soap (it was in the drug aisle).  I didn't find poppy seeds.  I did find non alcoholic wine but since it was before 10am I could not purchase it.  “Sin alcohol”  What is up with that?  All in all, it was a mixed bag regarding successes.

We stopped by the farmacia to get Justin’s prescriptions filled (pain, swelling and a mouth rinse) and got him home.  He has been instructed to have complete bed rest for three days. That will be a challenge.  Ice packs thirty minutes on and thirty minutes off.

I’d left detailed instructions for Nancy with Abraham and our house looked fabulous when we returned.  She really is a gem.  That freed me up to dote on the patient.  Only liquid foods today; we can progress to mashed foods tomorrow.  I rearranged the furniture in the living room so Justin can watch tv easily and got him settled in there.  I was exhausted.  I know he felt like crap but I was exhausted.  

I am going to host a baby shower for Aholi.  Her baby is due the end of March.  Earlier we'd decided on March 9th as the date.  I asked her to make a list of names as well as a wish list of items she'd like to receive.  I had planned on two in the afternoon, about twenty ladies.  I had envisioned a watermelon carved like a basket filled with fruit salad served with poppy seed dressing.  I had planned on chicken salad stuffed croissants and I had asked Grelty to make the cake.  I envisioned the flowers we'd have for decorations.  The biggest question I had was with the punch (that's why I was trying to by non-alcoholic wine).  All that was fine and good.  Aholi said her sister-in-law would help and when I met with Sandi, I had to let it all go.  This isn't my culture.  It has been twenty or thirty years since I've even been to a baby shower much less hosted one and certainly never in Mexico.  Sandi told me the aunties would provide the food -- I said ok.  I still had flowers and punch on my list of things to worry about.  
Today was the day to send out the invitations.  Sandi and I split them --  I sent them out to mostly the expats and Sandi sent them out to the local friends and family.  Aholi's mother lives in Acapulco.  She will come when the baby is born; I do hope I get to meet here.  

Thursday, 28 February 2019: Merida

Tom was leaving today -- already!?!  He drove to Sisal one day and another day he drove to Campeche.  He was hoe in time for dinner each evening so he and Justin had plenty of time for tales.  

Back to Merida … back to the dentist.  Justin’s consultation was at 9am and my third appointment was at 10am
Stopped at Kia along the way and got nowhere.  After the dentist we stopped by to see 
Isaac to set an appointment for measuring for installation in the main kitchen and concerns about previous installation.  He asked us to him pictures.  

Met Tom at Chaya Maya for brunch.  We are never disappointed there.  Then on to Home Depot (of course) for paint and other treasures.  Sam’s was our next stop and finally Kia , again, on our way out of town.

Then we stopped in Hunucma to visit with our closets that are being made.  Actually, they aren’t closets yet, as they will be constructed next week.

Oh this cedar smells good!

Mack tells us that this time next week, this will be our closet!  
He didn't even know we were coming but he remembered 
exactly the design of our project.  

We were home in time for Justin to have a swim.  Tomorrow will be his last day for a while.
He is already getting anxious.