Saturday, July 16, 2016

Martragny, France: 3 July 2016
Day 3.
Very slow morning before we headed to the Bayeaux Tapestries. Justin worked on email and I worked on our expense log.  It was nice to be able to go at a slower pace for just a moment. 
The story of the 1066 Battle of Hastings as told in stitches on a two hundred and thirty something feet long and about 20 inches tall bit of fabric... and it has been around at least since the 1400!  Oh how I would love to be able to touch that fabric!
 The town of Bayeux was hosting their annual medieval fair.  Steph and Susie sold honey; they took turns tending their booth throughout the weekend.  Later, at home, Justin told Steph about the chicken fiasco.  Steph couldn't believe that sweet Gemma could do such a thing and asked Justin to show him.  They trekked out to the fence line together and all was well.  Steph explained that he had only two red chickens and there they were, prancing around in the backyard looking for bugs.
Not surprisingly, another great dinner this evening-- L'Assistte Normandy.  And, no, we didn't eat chicken.

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