Saturday, July 16, 2016

Kaiserslautern, Germany: 22 June 2016

Tonight is the first night in our hotel -- The Altstadt Hotel.  The house is empty; the crates are packed, sealed and on their way.  Tons of paperwork has been completed and more remains.  Gemma, miniature poodle extraordinaire, had surgery yesterday to have five teeth extracted.  She's chipper today but needs to eat chicken and rice.  That will be a challenge as we begin at least the next 90 days on the road.  She will be a big factor as we make many of our travel decisions as we fully intend to have her with us on our adventures.  It will be easy the first few months since we will stay in Europe and will be traveling by car.  We send our Volkswagon EOS on its way early next week.  We will collect it in St Louis in early September.  We have Loyane's  car for the first month as we travel through France, the U.K., up to Amsterdam and back to Mons. We will rent a car for the second leg to Prague, Kraków, Croatia and then back to Kaiserslautern in early September.  30 June is my official retirement date; the first official day of the next chapter.  A bit more to do in Kaiserslautern before we hit the road though.  


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