Saturday, July 16, 2016

Kaiserslautern, Germany:   25 June 2016

A lazy Saturday morning that starts a time when everyday is a Saturday.  No, not yet, but oh so soon.  Four days left of employment with DoDDS.
We spent time today catching up on correspondence.  I must determine how to capture our journey, so for now, this journal.
Afternoon errands on base allowed us an opportunity to relax a bit at Dave and Susan Hemmer's house.  They have inherited all our frig and freezer treasures as well as cleaning supplies etc.  Justin Is down to one carry on and one backpack while I have a suitcase and a backpack for our UK swing.  We will come back to the Hemmer's to switch out Scotland clothes for Croatia clothes in early August.  In early September we will breeze through again to get all our stuff as well as Gemma's kennel before we fly.  We are very fortunate to have their home to store our clothes etc.  when we come back from Mons to Kaiserslautern we will be on the train -- moving will need to be swift and purposeful given train schedules.  More importantly, we are fortunate to have the Hemmer's as friends.  And, they do have a really nice backyard where Justin and I were able to put our feet up and enjoy a glass of wine after our chores were complete.  Susan used to be any Kinnick High School and we know Dave and Susan through Dave McCullough.  The DoDDS connection comes through again.

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