Saturday, July 16, 2016

London, England:  4 July 2916
Day 4
On the road quite early to head to the UK.  Justin wanted to go by Dieppe as he has a photo from there from many years ago.  During this little detour we saw great French countryside and incredible masonry work in many of the buildings and homes.  Yes, that put us a bit behind, but nothing compared to the wall we hit with Gemma's pet passport.  Yes, after a visit to the vet in Calais, our dear Gemma now carries a French Passport.  Instead of a ferry at noon, we departed on the 1:55pm ferry to Dover where we were able to rest for a moment before the cliffs in Dover called for a photo op.  The idea of driving on the left in a right hand drive car almost immobilized me.  Justin drove this entire day since I slept this morning and didn't help any in the afternoon.
Our AirBnb for London was in Camden Town where four-legged and furry George lives with Architect Stuart.  After a frantic drive through rush hour traffic and late arrival at Stuart's we headed to London's West End.  We left Gemma to run and play with George, a very bad terrier mix.  Sweet, but bad.
The Book of Mormon was exactly what we needed after a rather harrying day.  We both laughed and laughed at the totally disrespectful references.  A stroll through SOHO and a late Chinese dinner wrapped up the day.

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