Saturday, July 23, 2016

Haltwhistle, England: 6 July 2016
Day 6
Early start to get us on the road... and avoid another parking ticket.  By 8:30, we are on the way north.  I got past my fear of driving when parking the car when we arrived in London so even though I was ready to take my turn today, Justin did the lion's share of the drive to Hadrian's Wall.
Our drive led us through not only the town of Nottingham, but also past Sherwood Forest.  I knew we'd hear about King Arthur lore in Wales, but I didn't realize we'd be in the thick of Robin Hood Country too.

Justin and Gemma at Hadrian's Wall

When we got to Hadrian's Wall, we certainly got our history lesson for the week.  We joined the English Heritage Society which will give us a discount on many of the other venues we planned to visit.  It is a shame I already have our tickets to Stonehenge.  The wall, started in 122 AD to mark the northern limits of the Roman Empire, runs about 80 km across the most narrow part of Britain.  After spending considerable time examining the ruins that included barracks, baths, and hospital, we walked along the remnants of the wall in a few places.  One can just imagine the idea of quelling the marauding Scots. 
Our room wasn't ready at the Ald White Craig Farm, but it was all ok.  We got an upgrade at the quaint family run business.  We went to dinner at the local pub, The Twice Brewed, while watching soccer. Tonight was Portugal against Wales.  The locals were pulling for Wales but they were disappointed by evening's end.

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