Saturday, July 16, 2016

Kaiserslautern, Germany:  24 June 2016

We will borrow a friend's car for the first leg of summer travel.  We put that car in the shop this morning to make sure we are set.  Back to our empty house for FMO collection (refrigerator, washer and dryer, wardrobes and transformers) and the patio table (the last pick-up of all the goods we sold).  We cleared our with Herr Schinz this afternoon.  We enjoyed our Morlautern home for two years.  I doubt we will ever live in a house quite that large again.  Herr Schinz and Anne said the house looked perfect so we got all our deposit back. AND we get a €60 back from SWK!!!  Some of that can go toward the $3500 we owe from reconciliation on our Living Quarters Allowance... argh!
On to buy some cheese and snackers for an evening with friends at the Wein Hauck.  I was oh so ready to lift a glass of bubbly in celebration! 

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