Saturday, July 16, 2016

Kaiserslautern, Germany: 26 June, 2016

Sunday morning quiet hours and all the street sounds were muffled while the church bells resounded.  I love the bells and I'll miss their quarter hour chimes.  We headed to breakfast at Sanders, one of our local haunts.  With the manic of cleaning and clearing the house complete we were able to enjoy our last Sunday in Germany.  The  day promised to be rain free so we got in one last convertible ride in the Pfalz before we ship the car on Tuesday.  Some of the long-views in the area are simply astounding.  One gets a feeling of humility as you view the vastness of the landscape.
Later in the evening Justin and I made a list for the next four days.  OMG!!!  Good thing a glass of wine was readily available.  Four more alarm clocks! 



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