Thursday, September 7, 2023

Wednesday, 24 May 2023: Montague

We spent the last three days working to get the boat ready to splash. We were ready but we’ve paid the price. I was in the jump seat while Justin sanded and painted.  I was the gopher for all things.  

We met Lyle who is a member at Ellenwood where our boat was on the hard for the winter.  Thankfully, he let us in the bathroom (and in the laundry) so we didn't have to leave so often.




Twice, yes twice, our credit card was compromised with our charges at the Comfort Inn.  What a cluster.  

Roger came by to visit when Justin was still in the epoxy stages. He’s found some left over bottom paint. At $300 per gallon, that was free hotel rooms. 

Melissa and Rick are “getting out the door.”  They sold their house; they've quit their jobs.  They plan to leave in early October after the locks are open again.  They will be on board Ruthie for at least two years.  WOW!!

Tom and Sarah have a new dog, Kramer.  He is a wild thing.  He is a puppy.  Thankfully everyone at our marina seem to fit in the category of "dog people."  

Wisconsin's version of bluebonnets --
close but no cigar.  

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