Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Thursday, 20 April 2023: Collinsville

We left Dave and Susan’s before 6am.  We made sure we were very quiet and I don’t think we even woke up Tinker.  Given, I'm sure she was exhausted since she and Gemma had serious quality playing time.  We enjoyed three nights with the Hemmer’s.  We’d called from Springfield a truly planned to keep driving, however,  the ever-ready and always welcoming Hemmer’s invited us to stay with them.  We stayed up way too late, and admittedly I had a bit of a headache the next morning.  

Highlights of our short stay included opening day at Fairmount Horse track. Dave had organized to have one of the races dedicated to his brother as part of a birthday celebration.  I'd never been to the horse races so it was a new experience for me.  I even won some money!  

Another highlight was that I saw Hemmerville firsthand,  I've always known that Susan was a Saint and I kinda felt like I knew her story since I moved to Justin world here in Green Bay.  Yes, Justin knows a lot of people and hew knows all the places to go, but he doesn't have all the siblings and nieces and nephews and classmates and their kids and ... and... and.  Yes, Susan is a Saint.  


Justin and Dave took a drive to a  local dispensary before we drove out to the  “south 40” where Dave owns property with two of his brothers.  They have a nice big barn-dominium, another barn where Dave and Susan store their RV off season, a pretty lake and land.  Later, we enjoyed BBQ at The Beast, and got to meet the Chef who Beat Bobby Flay.  Our outing started to wind down with a stop at a local wine bar, before we headed home hone for pinball and ping pong. 

And, now we are on our way back to Texas. 

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